The Basin Junior Football Club will be participating in and conducting a number of activities in recognition of Anzac Day (Wed 25th April). These are as follows:-
Anzac Day Dawn Service – Wednesday 25th April – Club Members – Junior and Senior, are encouraged to attend the dawn service at the Upwey/Belgrave RSL. Attendance especially by Junior members is really appreciated by the organisers and reflects well on our club and its position within the community.
Game Day Services – Sunday 22nd April – before each of the home games at The Basin a short Anzac service will be conducted:-
The service will incorporate the Ode, The Last Post, A Minutes Silence and the Rouse. The Basin and visiting teams and officials will be asked to line up from the goal square on the bottom oval prior to commencement of the game. We at The Basin Football Club consider it important for the players, officials, parents and friends to acknowledge and thank Australia’s service men and women, past and present, for their contributions to the Australian way of life and the freedoms that we all enjoy.
This includes taking a moment to pause and pay our respects to those men and women who have in the service of their country paid the ultimate sacrifice.
Anzac Day Game Medal – For each game that is played involving The Basin Junior Football Club – two medals will be presented per age groups -one/The Basin, one/Opposition – in recognition of Anzac Day. Like the AFL, the medal is to be awarded to a player who is deemed to play the game in accordance with the Anzac spirit – exemplifying skill, courage, self sacrifice, teamwork and fair play. The only difference from the AFL, is that one player from each side will be awarded a medal.
The coach from each team (The Basin/Opposition) will select the player from the opposite side who has most demonstrated this spirit. It is hoped that the presentation of the medals will reinforce the spirit in which the game should be played and both acknowledge and pay respect to the spirit of Anzac Day.
Milestone Games – Please ensure 50/100 gamers run through their banners before the service.
Opposition Teams – All Club Presidents (home and away teams) have been notified about what we are planning for this special day

9.00am – Under 9 Green v Knox & Under 9 Red v Lysterfield Teal
10.05am – Under 10 Girls v Sth Belgrave/Lysterfield
11.25am – Under 13 v Ferntree Gully Eagles
12.55pm – Under 14 Boys v Heathmont
2.45pm – Under 17 Green v Upper Ferntree Gully & Under 18 Girls v Kilsyth (The Basin will be wearing special Anzac Jumpers)